Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break Project
When Jeremy and I bought this house we knew that it was going to be the house that we would raise our kids in and that we were not moving again. The thing that made this house so perfect was that it wasn't a dump but it wasn't perfect either. It had tons of room for us to grow in and not get too cramped. We knew that over time we would enjoy putting our own style in to each room. Of course we started with Gage's room. Literally! Before any boxes were unpacked we completely remodeled Gage's room. The next mission was the backyard. Having a pool scared me with having kids so we put up a pool fence and layed sod and planted some plants. It is of course still a work in progress. Next came the guest bathroom. I pulled a While You Were Out and remodeled the bathroom while Jeremy was in Houston. My Dad of course helped me and Jeremy's friend Kevin did the texture on the walls. Oh, did I mention that it was painted wall paper. When we found out we were having a girl next came Molly's room. We were very happy to fix up that room. It had a giant baseball mural which wouldn't suit a girly girl. Jeremy and I love to fix things up. We are addicted to HGTV and DIY.
Over Christmas we decided to fix our room up as a present to each other. We had a vanity with a sink in our room which we NEVER used. I was looking at it and realized that our computer desk would fit perfectly there. Then our guest room could possible double as an exercise room someday. Jeremy loved the idea so we ripped out the vanity layed some hardwood floors and painted the whole room. To top things off we got a new comforter and drapes.
Our Spring Break project has been the hallway from the garage. This is the entrance that most people use and it needed a face lift. We had a few hooks for coats a such but there just wasn't enough for diaper bags, purses, backpacks and such. I am thrilled with the finished project. Next is the laundry room!

Jeremy stained some bead board and added the hooks.

My wall of crosses. My Uncle Jim made the middle one it's a Celtic cross.

Here's our bedroom.
Some were a little skeptical with accenting with red in a blue in brown room.
But I think it totally works

Some were also skeptical with blue and red in the bathroom but once
again I love it!

This is what used to be a vanity.
Now it's a perfect office
Another view


cmjj said...

Oooo!! I love it all!! The hooks in the hallway are a great idea. Good for Jeremy! And your bedroom is beautiful. The blue, brown and red do go very well. Show us some more pictures!!!!!!!

cmjj said...

Hey, I tagged you! Check out my blog for info!!!!!!!