Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm Tagged!
Let me start with saying,"Sorry, it took me so long Amy".

Favorite Destination
I can't wait to take the kids!

The Laundry Room
Newly remodeled

My Bathroom

Another view

Favorite Room

My Closet

Favorite Shoes
Black flip-flops go with everything!

Kitchen Sink

The Fridge

Fridge #2
Doesn't everyone have one just for drinks?

What the kids were doing while I did this

Gage played with his weekend friend Lucy
I occupied Molly with food (of course)

So now it's time for me to tag others. So Kristin, Marcy, Amanda, and Ashley here you go!


Haddock Happenings said...

Yea! You did it!

I love what the kids were doing. Lol!

I'm glad you guys haven't floated away...


Laura said...

I like both of your blogs:) Very cute and fun to see what you have been up to...