Back to Work...Ugh
The summer is officially over. I went back to work last Tuesday and while it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I still would rather be at home. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with Gage and Molly. It is amazing how much they can change in just two months. Molly has gone from baby to full blown toddler and Gage has gone from sweet, little, innocent Gage to karate choppin", monster shooting, sword fighting Super Gage.
Now to explain the pictures below. Since I was home all summer Jeremy never really got any alone time with he and the kids. So on Wednesday he kept them instead of them going to Nana and Papa's house. Now when the kids are with we we play with a toy and them put it back where it belongs before we get out another toy. Things are kept nice and tidy when I'm at home so you can imagine my thoughts when Jeremy sent me an email with the picture below.
Fort Davidson
Fort Davidson is cool! Dads are fun. I guess us moms are just chopped liver!
Yea for Daddy! That is awesome!!! So how many years of teaching is this...7? I will be thinking about you this year. I think I am going to sign up to substitute teach for a couple of days a week, just to have some spending money. I am kinda, sorta excited about it. But I am like you, I would much rather be at home.
Ahhhh...back to school. I know you were jumping for joy. Are you still in the portable?
That fort kicks some serious butt! Way to go Dad!
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