Wednesday, June 25, 2008

5 Years Already??
I totally can't believe that we have been married for 5 years. To celebrate we treated ourselves to a Santa Fe Get-Away. It was nice to be alone but we very quickly began to miss our little terds. It's kinda sad when the excitement of your trip is finding a toy store or stopping at every stinking McDonald's to try and get Gage a different Kung Fu Panda toy. We enjoyed some great food and good art but we were very ready to come home

We hiked up to Nambe Falls. We were disappointed that we couldn't get any closer than this.
The beautiful Loretto Chapel

The miraculous staircase inside the Loretto Chapel.
A picture of the staircase before railings were added.
To learn the story behind the staircase go to


cmjj said...

How fun! I love Santa Fe. Boy do I miss good Mexican food :) I have always wanted to see the Loretto Chapel. I love the story!!!