Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to Work...Ugh
The summer is officially over. I went back to work last Tuesday and while it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I still would rather be at home. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with Gage and Molly. It is amazing how much they can change in just two months. Molly has gone from baby to full blown toddler and Gage has gone from sweet, little, innocent Gage to karate choppin", monster shooting, sword fighting Super Gage.
Now to explain the pictures below. Since I was home all summer Jeremy never really got any alone time with he and the kids. So on Wednesday he kept them instead of them going to Nana and Papa's house. Now when the kids are with we we play with a toy and them put it back where it belongs before we get out another toy. Things are kept nice and tidy when I'm at home so you can imagine my thoughts when Jeremy sent me an email with the picture below.

Fort Davidson
Of course my intial thought is "I swear that had better be cleaned up before I get home!"
Which it was (kinda). As you can see there was much thought put into this fort. It even has a door. The kids loved it and now I'm sure they'll want Daddy to stay home with them next summer. He's the cool one.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Flying by the Seat of Our Pants
We left for the valley Wednesday morning. By the time we got to Austin to drop Hailey off Hurricane Dolly had hit and Uncle Jim had no power. This meant all plans were off and we quickly had to revamp our vacation. As we were driving into Austin Nana called the hotel we were planning on staying at on the way home to see if we could change our reservation. Unfortunately, they could not. Which this was the story for about every hotel in San Antonio unless we wanted to pay $250 + per night. It seemed that everyone fleeing Hurricane Dolly fled to San Antonio.
I called Stephanie who lives in Uvalde and asked if she had any ideas. She suggested the town Castroville which is the first town West of San Antonio on 90. She gave me the name of a hotel and so I called. Well wouldn't you know it but they had a wedding and the whole place was booked. So the nice lady on the phone gave me the # of a few B&Bs. Jeremy and Papa were a little skeptical of a B&B. They didn't like the idea of staying in someones home that we don't know and sharing their bathroom. I called the number anyway. When the sweet old man on the line told me that a room would be $75 a night Nana and I were sold. We could never have found a hotel that cheap. This of course added to Jeremy and Papa's skepticism. They thought that any place for $150 was going to be a dump.
When we got to Hailey's house we went online to check this place out. I have to admit the pictures made me a little scared. All of the pictures were really small and didn't show much. I checked my email so I could pay through paypal. When we looked at the price we were all confused. For two rooms a total of 4 nights it was only $320. So in fact the total was $75 for two rooms. Now I think we were all skeptical and worried about what we were getting ourselves into. We searched some more for hotels and finally decided that if we got there and didn't like it we could try to figure things out.
When we pulled up our spirits began to lift. This was the cutest town I've ever stayed in. A man from next door came out and took us to OUR OWN HOME next door. Yes, that's right we got an entire house to ourselves for 4 nights. The fridge was fully stocked with milk, bread, and all sorts of snacks and goodies. The beds were AMAZING and the house was totally kid proofed. Gage and Molly just ran circles and had a blast. They loved the goats in the neighbors backyard. Another huge bonus was that it was only 20 minutes to Sea World and downtown. So if your ever looking for a place in San Antonio opt for Castroville and stay at the Three Cedars Ranch instead. It's great!
So with this vacation, that we never thought was going to pan out, we made lots of wonderful memories. We went to the San Antonio Children's Museum and the River Walk on Friday. Then on Saturday and Sunday we went to Sea World which I highly recommend. There is just too much to do it all in one day. I was so proud of Gage riding the big boy rides however, if asked to ride them again he would reply with a very polite. "No thank you!"
Gage and Molly were both great on this vacation. I am already beginning to plan next year's. Amy, I hope your all settled in PA by next summer cause Sesame Place is high on our list!!

Jeremy and I had shirts made too!
The front living room

sun room
sun room

Bedroom one
Bedroom two

family pic at the Children's Museum

I had to take a picture of Molly's curls. The humidity made them really tight.