Monday, February 18, 2008

Sick, Sick, Sick
I'm Sick of Being Sick
Last week was supposed to be our first family vacation. We were all ready to head off to San Antonio for my Music Convention and literally when Jeremy went to put gas in the car and we were about to load up I started puking my guts out. I know, at least if happened before we left but we were so psyched to go on this trip. We hadn't completely prepared Gage for the trip which was good because he really didn't know what happened. I think he was just glad to have Mommy and Daddy home for 5 straight days.
Yep, for 5 straight days we stayed in our pajamas and bummed around the house. Just when we thought enough time had passed and no one else was going to get sick, Jeremy got the flu. Talk about luck. We just hope and pray it doesn't get to the kids

Saturday, February 2, 2008

TV Freaks

TV Freaks

As you can see Jeremy and I are TV freaks!!! Before kids we were movie freaks but since we're stuck at home we have found the world of TV. The writers strike has put quite a damper on our viewing pleasure especially since we finally got both kids to bed before 8 o'clock. However, there are still a few on that we must tune in to see. I don't know if anyone else has discovered the show Psych but if you are a kid of the 80's this is a must see. There hasn't been a show yet when they haven't dropped some quote from the good ole days or had a flashback to the way things were. Gus and Sean are truly people after our own heart. Jeremy and I have said many times we would love to meet the people who write for the show. At Christmas time if you live for The Christmas Story marathon the click on the link and find the blooper labeled Deck the Halls and you'll love it!!